Like a piece of fine furniture, jewelry or musical instrument, natural materials have been used since the dawn of time to create items of beauty, collectability and utility.
Through the ages artisans take inspiration from nature and use this inspiration to create art and living in all its forms…painting & sculpture, timepieces & jewelry, furniture, architecture including buildings, landscapes & gardens, cars, boats, castles, etc. and in many ways the most far reaching-MUSIC.
Some, but not all items of beauty are made of natural materials. But a beautiful artisan crafted element will always add to the authenticity of something.
US Blues® Artist Quality Guitar Picks are the latest addition to this list of items that encompass all of these elements.
Utility-They create unique and distinctive musical tones, but simply put they allow you to strum or pick your guitar.
Collectability-Collect and try a variety of materials to create different sounds, tones and experiment to see where your musical inspiration leads you.
Beauty-Behold the Beauty of Natural Materials